Saturday, 9 July 2011

Laughter Tips

  1. Laugh together for 5-10 min. each morning.
  2. Do one loving and light-hearted thing for each other each day.
  3. Point out the day's absurdities to each other.
  4. Seek out the humor in serious situations and share it with each other.
  5. Consciously smile at each other more.
  6. Stay playful in your interaction by keeping your voices and body language playful.
  7. Renew your "real vows" once a week. 
  8. Take turns being responsible for the humorous thought for the day.
  9. Giggle together right before going to sleep.
  10. Have a laughter match to see who can laugh loudest and longest.
  11. Surround yourself with flowers. "The earth laughs in flowers." Emerson.
  12. Echo each other's laugh. Laugh each time your partner laughs.
  13. Count the number of times you laugh each day. Compete and share them.
  14. Tell each other how much you enjoy the other's laughter and sense of humor.
  15. List the positive things in your day each day and read them to each other.
  16. Play together one hour a week. Examples: Sing, dance, race each other, give exaggerated hugs, count smiling faces when driving together.

  1. Have mindless toys on your desk and take short breaks to play with them.
  2. Wear a funny hat to express or change your attitude.
  3. Use cartoons to help with communication.
  4. Play with the idea of stress--learn to celebrate it.
  5. Laugh with your co-workers for a few minutes for no real reason at all.
  6. Under your clothes, wear a T-Shirt with a saying that lightens you up.
  7. Find playful ways to lighten up conflict with co-workers.
  8. Exaggerate and play with the issues that annoy you most.
  9. Incorporate elements of a game into your work. For example, give yourself a prize for completing a project; divide the project into a football field and see each stage of completion as a first down; give yourself a cheer; develop a ritualized, playful way of turning on your computer.
  10. Laugh for 5 min. in your car on the way to work.

ÓEnda Junkins, PO Box 684, Ouray, CO 81427, 970-325-0050