Saturday, 28 May 2011

About us

Seasoned Word International was birth in the year 2001. It all started when God spoke into my heart about reaching the world through a 5-minute teaching called ‘’Word in Season’’. The inspiration came from Isaiah 50:4. ‘’ The Lord has given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary; He wakeneth morning by morning. He wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned. (KJV).
Our mission is to build a people who understand their worth, maximize their opportunity, tap their potential and really become who they are in God their background notwithstanding. This will be done through the teachings of the word of truth in order to make people self sufficient not minding their background, but making the most of themselves, using their poor and inadequate background as a springboard to greatness.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

How To Receive By Giving

If you want to learn how to receive by giving, a part of the law of attraction, then you'll want to read this article. In it we'll discuss what you should give, about giving generously, and about giving without expecting to get anything in return.

We've all heard about karma. Did you know that there is a law of giving and receiving? Call it the law of Karma if you want to but it's about getting in return what you dish out. Karma is usually associated with someone who does something bad, illegal, unethical, or simply just mean. But, did you know that you could use the law of karma in your favor?

You see the law of karma states that when you give something that you can expect that same thing in return. So if you punch someone in the head you can eventually expect to get punched in the head. If you steal money from someone, again you can expect someone to steal from you.
How do you know what to give in order to receive?

Here's how it works. Give something that you want to receive. If you would like people to like you and be your friend, then you give friendship. You just give it away without expectation of receiving anything in return. If you want love then you give love away. If you want money then give some of your money away. Simply give it away without expecting anything in return.

Give whatever you hope to get in return away openly and freely. I don't mean to say that you should give your money away in front of the whole world for everyone to see. But, give it away openly - just do it without thought of who may be watching you. Give it away freely without thought or expectation of getting it back. Because you won't get it back immediately.

Be generous with your giving. Look if you only have $10 in your pocket but you know someone who could use $10, other than yourself, then just give it away - what can you do with $10 anyway. Don't put yourself in a position where you'll be walking to work if you give that $10 away, unless you live close to work and you could use the walk.

I'm not telling you to give away your last dime. I am telling you to give from your own abundance. You'll know what that means. Don't give you rent payment away, don't give food out of your children's mouths. Simply give out of your abundance - don't tell me you have nothing to give. You'll find a way to give even if it's just one or two dollars at first.

I remember growing up my father was a very generous man. When someone would come to visit he always offered them something to eat, even if it was simply beans and potatoes. He was giving out of his abundance. He had enough! To this day he has more now then he's ever had. He will be 80 this year and he just told me the other day that he makes more money now then he ever has. He has always been very generous and nobody around him ever needed anything. He helped a lot of people. Sure he got burned a few times, but karma always came back around.

Practice giving even if it's just giving someone the appreciation and respect that they deserve. You'll get it back - it's part of the law of attraction. You have to give to receive.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Abundance - Is It All About Money?

Most of the time, abundance is being associated with having a lot of money. Some people tend to think that to have an abundant life is to have more than enough money in their bank account. Nothing is too wrong with it actually, because abundance is a feeling of wellness from the inside, making you extremely joyful and grateful about life.

So if having a lot of money makes you feel really joyful and happy, then that is abundance. But more often than not, money is not just the sole source of happiness. In fact, without proper knowledge about handling money, problems could even occur in the future.

What is Abundance?
There are people who seek happiness through finding good friends and partners, or in things that money cannot buy. Let me ask you to do something: Get a piece of paper and a pen and then write down the top 10 things you are grateful for. I'm sure you will be able to write something, it doesn't matter how big or small it is, what matters is that you find things in your life that you are grateful for.

Now don't you feel suddenly lucky? Most people are too focused on their lack that they don't appreciate the good aspects of their lives anymore. Abundance is a state when everything in your life seems to be a blessing. You just feel lucky and happy to be here on earth with the people, things, and happenings around you.

How Ready Are You to Receive Abundance?
It's time for you to figure out if you are ready to receive abundance or not. To know this, we simply find out if you are already in the 'allowing state'. The allowing state is when there is no doubt in your mind that you are going to have an abundant life and that you are ready to receive it. What stops most people from getting into the allowing state are negative beliefs.

If you think that you don't deserve to become rich or that money is the root of all evil or anything else like those, you are not in line with your desire therefore there is no way for you to receive it. So what you have to do is to address those negative and limiting beliefs and get rid of them. There are a lot of useful ways to get rid of negative beliefs like EFT or the Emotional Freedom Tapping technique.

EFT is not that hard to perform but gives amazing results to a person who uses this method. You could also write down affirmations to empower your beliefs. Methods like these are necessary because your everyday-goal must be to feel good. If you don't feel good, you are not in the allowing state and will not be able to receive the good things the universe has to offer.

Attracting Abundance Everyday
Now that the meaning of abundance is clearer, and you already know how to get into the allowing state, it's time for you to put what you have learned into action. Remember that to feel good is an everyday-goal, so work on that first. Avoid habits like getting disappointed whenever something comes out the way you didn't expect it to.

What you expect is just what is in your radar screen. Ninety-nine percent of things are outside your radar screen, so something disappointing for you must be a blessing in disguise. No matter what, maintain your feeling of wellness, gratitude, and joy whatever comes up. Remember that abundance isn't just about money - it's also about what makes you feel well, grateful, and joyful.

And if you'd like the full, step-by-step, blueprint to attracting abundance take a look at my free video right here: Attracting Abundance Blueprint

Thursday, 19 May 2011

3 Top Ways To Attract Money

Here are three highly effective tips for attracting wealth into your life:

Stash a one hundred dollar note in your wallet/purse. Now each time you go past a row of shops in your head mentally spend that money. Just go right ahead and mentally spend the money that is in your wallet on whatever you desire. By having the bill actually in your wallet you can really gain a feeling of certainty that you can actually have those things. This feeling of wealth and abundance is the feeling that you need to carefully nurture as it is exactly what will help you trigger the law of attraction.

Whilst doing this you may not actually be wealthy and abundant but you will start to actually feel wealthy and abundant which is what will enable you to become so. The thought first then the thing, remember that is one of the universe laws.

This next technique in a nutshell asks you to pay more attention to what you do want i. e. a pay rise, a new sports car, and more sales etc. than what you do not want.
Instead of focusing your thoughts on your job and constantly thinking about how little it pays and how you can only just cover your bills each month, consciously switch your thoughts to thinking about the new job and pay rise you are going to get shortly. Do not focus on the lack of wealth, instead focus on the presence of wealth. This will enable you to begin to feel wealthy even if you are not and then through the law of attraction abundance will be drawn to you.

This third wealth tip is a very simple way of utilizing your free brain time more proficiently. It will allow you to adopt positive abundance attracting thought patterns fast. Start by saying to yourself 'What I'd really like is. . . . ' then go right ahead and finish the sentence focusing directly on the possessions that you do want. Do this time and again listing as many things as you can visualizing them all each time. Again here we are using the 'Law of Attraction' to enhance and improve our life, there are many personal development products that will help you do exactly that.
With a little practise you will overcome any uneasiness in doing this exercise. Try and make your lists longer and longer each time. Most significantly try to turn this exercise into a part of your daily routine whenever you have free time.

So there you have it, three sure fire ways to attract wealth into your life without using Personal Development Products.

Discover awesome Personal Development Products and the Universe Laws and change your life today!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Creating Abundance 101

There was a time in my life when I had no money. I was just out on my own, working in downtown Washington, DC, and living in Arlington, VA, and I didn't have bus money, so I had to walk to work. It was about 3 miles (each way).

I remember what that was like.

Then later in my life, when my daughter was born, her father and I made a decision that I would stay home with her to raise her. And oh, how I loved being home with my baby! But oh, wow, did we ever take a huge cut in our income - over 50% at that time. Suddenly, I didn't have money to put gas in my car at times. It was really tough. And I worried about it and complained to my friends about not having any money.

Interestingly, on a deep level, I could feel that I was doing something I shouldn't be doing. (Complaining, that is.) But I didn't have the mental understanding of how powerful my complaining was in creating my experience.

One day, when my daughter was about 2, I came across an author by the name of Florence Scovel Shinn. Her book, "Your Word is Your Wand", transformed my life. She introduced me to the idea of affirmations, and how powerful our language is in creating our experiences.

I began to see how much I complained, how much I worried, how much I whined about money.
Double wow.

I decided I would put ol' Flo to the test. I decided I would post affirmations around the house, focusing on what I wanted to create. I went into my closet and decided I wanted nicer, better clothes. So, I wrote an affirmation on a 3"x5" card and posted it in my closet. The affirmation went something like this: "I am now clothed in the beauty and glory of God."

Every day, when I went into my closet, I saw that affirmation. Within a very short time (just a couple of months), I had gotten a whole bunch of new clothes. My mother gave me some (a gift certificate from Land's End, which I loved), and I found some clothes on sale at a department store. Someone else gave me some. Soon, I discovered that I was clothed in the beauty and glory of God!

I was sold. My love affair with affirmations began there and hasn't stopped yet.
Why? Because our language is powerful. Because our focus is incredible. Because our emotions and our attention to things can and do create our reality.

Where are you creating your life to be the way you want it to be? And where are you creating your life to be the way you do not want it to be?

It is essential for you to speak powerfully if you are to create powerfully. And it is essential that you become congruent (or aligned) with that which you intend to create.

Here's how you do this:
* You become congruent with what you want by clearing out the inner conversations and beliefs that say you cannot have what you want.
* You become congruent by keeping your word -- to yourself, and to others. Integrity is essential if you wish to become a conscious, powerful co-creator.
* You become congruent by maintaining an inner state of peacefulness -- by not creating drama with those who share your life.
* You become congruent by holding the vision (i.e., energy or belief) of what you want longer than you hold it for what you do not want.
* You become congruent by speaking positively to yourself and to others, by being optimistic instead of pessimistic.
* You become congruent by being compassionate and generous in your thoughts toward yourself and toward others.
* You become congruent by holding the light for yourself and others, by believing in yourself and others, even when it is difficult to do so.
Each of us wants to create lives filled with love, abundance, and joy. And each of us deserves to have our lives be filled with love, abundance, and joy.

By practicing these skills, you will create your life to be just what you desire.
Oh, yeah! Wow!

Your Action Steps:
1. Start today by speaking your vision into being.
2. Hold your thoughts on what you want, not what you do not want.
3. Be your word.
4. Honor your commitments.
5. Speak positively to others.
6. Give yourself (and others) a break.
7. Choose kindness and generosity.

And watch your life transform!

Rev. Anne Presuel

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Super-Focus to Unlock the Power of the Mind for Wealth and Success

As you rightly may know, you can never have riches in abundance or fullness of life unless you have a burning desire, and that you can actually possess those desires and dreams by the power of your mind. The quandary though is how to imprint your burning desire/s into your mind long enough so that your sub conscious mind is programmed to attract your dreams into your life. The secret is to learn how to focus your attention for just a few minutes each day so that your habitual ways of thinking can be developed into new ways of thinking.

Firstly its imperative that you have a burning desire for wealth and abundance. I definitely had no burning desire for money. I naturally had occasional day dreaming episodes of what I would do if I won or inherited a massive fortune. I decided that if I wanted this to happen, I would have to find out how to access and keep this burning desire in my mind for a prolonged period.

So began my insatiable search for information, on how to get this done. How do you get your mind receptive especially when you have been pre- programmed since childhood, by education, media or peers? My biggest fear regarding riches and fortune was that I was being greedy and materialistic especially when there are millions starving.

Many spiritual teachers say that in trying to fulfill your physical wants and desires you are missing the source of happiness that is already inside you now. True but I also found after reading ample material on the subject, that you can have the best of both worlds. You can have incredible fun in this material world, co-creating and receiving your heart's desires plus maintaining a spiritual connection with your Source (or the name you prefer).

Do you believe that you are on this earth for a purpose? Do you have a life mission, a spiritual purpose and path? Could you become passionate about your life and excited about what you are creating?

Well I found the first step was to slow down and take a deep look at what was in my heart. Discovering what was truly blocking me and releasing them from my mind and body allowed new ways of thinking. This allowed new opportunities and possibilities into everyday life.
The second step was by knowing myself better. Thus I could break negative thoughts and behavior patterns.

So in this search on how attain and perpetually maintain my burning desire for riches and abundance, I realized there are many techniques, secrets and manifesting tools to unlock the power of your mind. These techniques include meditation, relaxation and visualization. Have you tried visualizing but get easily distracted? Are your limiting beliefs holding you back? Do you struggle to relax? Are you finding it hard to stay excited about your goal?

If you answered yes to any of these questions above. Visit my website for more amazing and in-depth information regarding relaxation, meditation and visualization programs.

Friday, 13 May 2011

6 Mindfulness Exercises

Being mindful is a powerful process that can truly change the way you look at the world. Monks from many different traditions work for years to learn to be mindful all of the time. This is a hard concept for most Western people to even try to understand. But being mindful can help you to feel better and have a different view of the world. There are some easy and simple exercises that you can do to help you be more mindful.

One Minute Breathing - This mindfulness exercise can be done any time of the day as many times as you feel called to do it. All you have to do it check the time and focus on your breathing for one minute. Your mind will try and distract you with other things, but try to just watch your breath for one minute throughout the day.

Mindful Observation - This mindfulness exercise is good to do throughout the day. Pick an object that is within your sight and watch it for one minute. You should not critique, examine, or make comments on the object; just watch it. Observe it for one full minute.

Mindful Listening - This is the same as above, except for one minute you will listen, just listen. This mindfulness exercise is best done outdoors, but it can be done anywhere. Allow your ears to open up and hear the noises around you. Don't try and determine what they are or give them a name; just listen.

Touchstones - For some people a cue for mindfulness is the key to doing the practice. Take something that is going to happen every day, hopefully more than once. For example when you touch a door knob. At that moment when you touch the door knob you allow yourself to be completely mindful of where you are, how you feel, and what you are doing. Cues don't have to be physical; it could be that every time your phone rings you take a mindful moment. It could be that every time you smell food you take a mindful moment. Choose a touchstone that resonates with you.

Regular Routines - Take a regular routine that you don't think about and make it a mindful one. For example when you clean your house pay attention to every detail of cleaning. Be mindful of what you are doing. Watch as you sweep the floor or scrub the toilet. Be hyper aware of what you are doing. This can be done with any activity that you do on a regular basis on auto-pilot.

Five Things - This is another mindfulness practice that can be done several times a day, but it works especially well when you are being triggered by something. All you have to do is notice five things. They could be things you hear, smell, feel on your body, or see. Ideally you will pick at least one from each of the senses, but it doesn't have to be that way. For example you could say; I see the carpet, feel my shirt on my neck, smell the rain coming, taste my morning coffee, and hear my music playing in the background.

A Brief History of the Internet

The internet was a twinkling in the eye of scientists and dreamers alike since before the second world war WWII. There were dreams of automated libraries, cybernetics to extend human abilities, and of global villages.

After the Russians launched the Sputnik satellite 1957, the Americans bounced back in 1969 with ARPA (Advanced Research Project Association) to regain the technological lead during the Cold War.

J. Licklider was appointed by ARPA to head IPTO in researching defences from space launched nuclear attacks. And it was IPTO as an organisation who considered the possibilities for a USA wide network of communications to help defend the states.

Scientists in the states and the UK invented packet switching and created a computer enabled to manage this, and from there ARPANET was created, linking the East coast of the US to the West coast. The aims of ARPAnet were to allow parts of the country to continue communicating and operating should an attack occur, reducing parts of the country without communication or leadership.

By the early 1970's the network was being used for passing of information that was not related to ARPAnet such as e-mail and electronic news. It was around this time that some engineers amused themselves by sending practical jokes, of false or annoying messages, and gained the name of hackers. These hackers were harmless, and did not produce and malicious attacks, but kept to jovial messages to people they knew personally.

Protocols were created in the 1980's to pass data across this small network and these were gradually upgraded and replaced as the networks expanded.

In the late 1980's the first known internet security issue arose, the Morris Worm debuted in 1988. With almost 90,000 computers networked together by this time, a large number of people were affected by the inability to communicate. This s when DARPA the new network defence ay received funding to create CERT to coordinate efforts to keep the network safe for future attacks.
By 1990 ARPANET was retired and a greater network linking the universities of the US together were created. At the same time in Europe EUnet was created to link the universities.

Following this and the popularity, the networks were opened up and expanded, and released to independent organisation to be managed from 1995.

And then boom we had the internet and all of the good and bad that has been created since. It has gone from a network based on the sharing of data for educational purposes to benefiting mankind in medicine, commerce and personal networking.

Courtesy: Matt Cowley